Dr. Edward Kayser, Professor Emeritus of Education and Philosophy, New York, U.S.A went to Kerala on February 5th 1998 as an invitee of Alapurath Brothers Charitable Trust and as a special guest of the Government of Kerala. He joined with Mr. Mathew Idichandy and together they spearheaded the task of improving standards of education in India. Along with the support of the Minister for Education and Works, Kerala State, they conducted several workshops and series of lectures on February 10th & 11th 1998 so as to educate the State Education Department Administrators and Directors. Dr. Edward Kayser visited the family property of Mr. Idichandy at Pathanamthitta, Kerala and inaugurated the International Educational Foundation (IEF) on February 12th 1998. On April 9th 2000, Prince Patriarch named the place as “ELIAS NAGAR” in memory of Moran Mor Ignatius Elias the third Patriarch.
Since the establishment of IEF, it has grown enormously into a large professional family tree. The IEF has set up two offices in Pennsylvania, USA: 1) The Executive Administrative Office and 2) The Home-Based Office, and has numerous administrative staff located all over India as representatives.
The members of IEF who are the branches of this growing family are currently placed all over the United States of America and are pursuing their careers in various fields. We are confident that the IEF family will continue to grow and provide shade for the next generation.